Sunekos Skin Booster treatment

Skin Boosters

SuneKos Skin Booster is an injectable treatment that is entirely different to dermal fillers. This treatment uses a patented formula which combines amino acids with hyaluronic acid. The amino acids are essential for the creation of healthy skin and promote the body’s own production of collagen and elastin. This process rebuilds the dermal layers of the skin and restores the natural youthful look by tightening the area, improving the skin hydration and texture and plumping wrinkles and lines out. So not only does it dramatically reduce the signs of ageing, the results look completely natural too. The skin is left looking smooth, hydrated and glowing.

SuneKos Skin Booster offers two different treatment options for skin regeneration, which can be performed separately or in combination – SuneKos 200 and SuneKos 1200.

SuneKos 1200 is used as a booster in combination with SuneKos 200 for severe wrinkles and damaged skin. The combined use helps to counteract the loss of volume within the skin in these patients.

Why choose Finesse for your SuneKos Skin Booster?

Your consultation

At Finesse, you will receive an in depth consultation ahead of your SuneKos Skin Booster treatment. We do not take this responsibility lightly. The consultation includes a facial assessment and your skin concerns and expectations will be discussed. Your full medical history will be taken including any allergies, potential contraindications and any previous cosmetic treatments you have had. We will determine your suitability for treatment and we will discuss with you the potential side effects of the therapy and how to minimise these. Where in your best interests, a treatment is refused, the reasons why will be explained.

Take your time to digest

We recommend you take a minimum of 24 hours to consider all the pros and cons before making a decision to book a treatment. 

Your practitioner

Sarah Newey is an Independent Prescribing Pharmacist and Aesthetics Practitioner. Once she has ascertained your suitability for treatment she is able to prescribe the medication ready for your appointment. Your treatment will also be carried out by Sarah.

Aftercare Service

Following your treatment you will be provided with extensive aftercare information. Sarah will be on hand after your treatment to answer any questions you may have on your skincare journey.


SuneKos corrects and protects the dermis from the signs of ageing. SuneKos is the only natural product in professional aesthetics that stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, restoring elasticity and volume to the skin.

SuneKos requires a course of 4 treatments, usually 7-10 days apart. The entire course must be completed for the area to get the intended results.
The treatment will normally be completed in 30 mins however if you require numbing cream this may take a little longer.
The treatment does involve lots of little injections, but we use such fine needles that it is virtually painless. Numbing cream can be used if requested although most patients opt to have the treatment without this.
If SuneKos is right for you, the treatment will begin by cleansing your face. it is helpful if you arrive make-up free to make cleansing easier. If you have chosen numbing cream then this will be applied for approximately 15-20 minutes before the procedure begins.  Your face will then be marked up for treatment. During the treatment a fine needle or cannula is used to deliver the chosen SuneKos solution into the target areas, avoiding facial veins to minimise the risk of bruising. 
There is usually minimal recovery time after SuneKos treatment. Typically you will notice some small bumps in the skin where the product has been injected, which usually disappear within a few hours, but can take 72 hours to completely resolve. Whilst the procedure could be carried out in your lunch break,  it is advisable that the treatment is carried out 2 weeks ahead of any event where you would not want such side effects to be visible. However, if there is bruising, the area can be covered with make-up after 6 hours.

The injection of hyaluronic acid is considered a safe medical procedure. The most common side effects are tenderness and  bruising around the injection areas.  Despite the procedure being carried out with skill and diligence an infection could occur and the formation of a nodule or cyst where the product has been injected.

Some changes can be noticed after the first treatment however, best results will be seen after your fourth treatment.

SuneKos lasts up to 6 months depending on the level of correction needed and patient lifestyle, although research suggests there is still improvement in the skin for approximately 8 months afterwards.

Maintenance treatment is suggested at 4 to 7 months post treatment. One to 2 treatments may be needed.

Immediately for most activities. Avoid swimming for 48 hours and extreme temperatures for 7 days. Avoid massaging the area treated for 24 hours. Full aftercare will be provided prior to treatment.

Yes – your practitioner will ask you some questions to ensure you are suitable for the treatment.
Yes –We offer the following advice before treatment.
  • Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours before treatment as it thins the blood and increases the possibility of bruising.
  • Avoid hair removal – shaving, waxing, laser treatment or creams in the area you are having treatment to minimise irritation and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Avoid anti-ageing creams containing substances like retinol, glycolic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids to minimise irritation and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Do not wear makeup on the day of the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Make sure you eat before the procedure to stop you feeling faint.
  • Consider stopping certain medicines, vitamins and supplements seven days before treatment to minimise the risk of bruising – (however always discuss with your practitioner first to see if it is safe to do so):
    • Blood thinners like aspirin
    • Anti-inflammatories eg ibuprofen
    • High dose vitamin E
    • Omega 3 fish oils
    • Gingko biloba
    • St Johns Wort

Find out more about your SuneKos Skin Booster treatment

The very best

At Finesse we offer you the most effective and tried and tested non-surgical treatments for your skincare journey.

Sunekos is a safe way to stimulate your skin cells for improved skin health.


As a new patient you will be offered a 30 minute consultation appointment before your treatment to discuss your skin concerns and expectations. 

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